Saturday, December 17, 2011

Should I continue?

I have been silent for a long time. One of the biggest discover during my years in swiftlet farming is swiftlet sound. I have discover the ingredient for the sound to be use in different stage in BH.  But I'm still struggling whether to continue to disclose what I discover. The competition between BH are more challenging nowadays.  Even my neibours become my competitor.  It will not benefit and add advantage to me at all if I continue with the disclose. I my still finding the reasons  to continue...


  1. How about share to friends who have BH in other city only?

  2. Tweet is here too?

    I prefer buying nest from Indonesia as it is cheaper and labor to clean it is also cheaper .

    Its not charity, unless you want to brag. It will cost in the long run. So don't share unless you get paid for it.
